Gonna take time.....
First thing I would like to do is, thank everybody for your lovely, supportive comments. Thank you also for liking and sharing (please share my website link if you haven't already. The further afield I can get, the better😍).
I have had a busy week! Completing applications and work for various art prizes/opportunities, completing potential commissions that haven't actually been commissioned and producing some new work for an upcoming local group exhibition (more info to follow in future blogs). Plus, trying to ensure that I am social media savvy, with a great deal of help from my youngest son, Jack.
One of my biggest challenges is to keep on reminding myself that 'this' is not going to happen quickly. I am my own greatest critic (as most of us probably are). I am starting to understand that it is going to be quite a balancing act, to make sure that I stay on the right side of being positive. The thing with being an artist (however experienced) is that you have to develop a strong belief in what you do and remember that not everybody is going to like your style of art. Self-doubt is a killer, a couple of rejections and you start questioning your choices? Ha, ha I think this blog may become my self-therapy.....
Anyway, back to the work. This week, I have created a range of highly decorative work using collected wood and shells from the beach. I got to thinking about how I love to see sections of broken artefacts that are highly patterned and embellished, especially those with an Asian influence. This then gave me the idea of creating my own versions, using photo transfer and a variety of different materials.
I love the idea of finding a piece of wood abandoned in the flotsam and jetsam found on the beach, and then reinventing its future. This work will be on sale for the first time at the aforementioned exhibition before it goes onto the website.
Finally, this week, Reggie is an excellent studio companion, most of the time. Occasionally some bribery is required. There is nothing quite like a line of treats to focus the mind (I promise that they are not as big as they look in this photograph!)